Coleman Live Oak Ranch
156 +/- Acres | Coleman County | Call for Price Sold

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156 +/-
SoldCall for Price
Location Description:
The ranch is located approximately 4 miles North of Santa Anna, Texas. The property is located on County Road 122 and County Road 119, both are a well county-maintained Road.
The ranch is considered to be moderately brushy for the area with numerous live oak trees scattered throughout the ranch. The remainder of the brush is mesquite, cedar and other native brush.
On the Coleman Live Oak Ranch there is a 1 to 2-acre lake/pond in the center of the property. There are also a couple of other ponds that are smaller in size. There is access to Coleman County Special Utility District (SUD) off County Road 119. Call for more details.
The fences on the ranch are in fair condition and there also is an older shed and working pens located on the Southeast part of the ranch.
The ranch has a good number of whitetail deer, turkey, dove and other native game species. It has been reported of some roaming axis in the area.
*PRICE REDUCED The Coleman Live Oak Ranch is a good ranch in a good area of Texas. With lots of live oak trees, a nice size lake and lots of road frontage this ranch has many opportunities for a new owner. Give us a call for more information on this fine piece of property.
The information contained herein is compiled from resources believed to be accurate. No warranties on the state of ownership of real or any personal property nor any representation as to its accuracy are made by Lee, Lee and Puckitt Associates, Inc. and/or its agents/brokers.
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