G-F Ranch
16,958+/- Acres | Lincoln County | Call for Price Sold

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Location Description:
The G-F Ranch was purchased in 1962 by its namesake, the late Gaylord Freeman. He was President and CEO of the First National Bank of Chicago for many years. This prestigious New Mexico mountain ranch is located in the southern slopes of the Capitan Mountain Range. The ranch was purchased for its outstanding grass production, abundant water, beauty, and location. Mountain views of the Capitan, Sacramento, and Sierra Blanca Mountains are very impressive. Wildlife, including mule deer, elk, bear, antelope, mountain lion, hogs, turkey, quail and dove abounds on all parts of the ranch. Multiple mountain springs run through the ranch creating many ponds. These bodies of water provide habitat for trout, bass, and other species of fish. The ranch holds much history from the “Old West.” It was the local stomping grounds of Billy the Kid and contains old cabin sites of early home settlers. The G-F is also the location where Smokey the Bear was rescued and nursed back to health to become a legend in forest fire conservation. 3,462 acres of strategically located deeded land and 13,496 acres of U.S Forest Service lease land located north of U. S. Highway 380 from Lincoln to Capitan, New Mexico, in Lincoln County.
This beautiful Capitan Mountain ranch contains pleasing tree covered mountains and rolling valleys. The elevation range is from 6,300ft. to 7,000 ft. above sea level. There are major topographic features all around the subject area. The ranch holds numerous canyons and drainage ways descending from the rolling valleys. It flourishes with beautiful ponderosa pine, juniper, cedar, and oak trees. The summer and winter grasses on the ranch are outstanding in production and quality.
Water is distributed throughout the ranch from four major springs, with approximately 33 miles of pipeline, many storage tanks, and drinking troughs. There are natural ponds, man- made earth tanks, three windmills, and an electric pump on wells.
The beautiful Spanish adobe home is 5,836 sq. ft. There are beautiful views of the Alto area and the Sacramento and Sierra Blanca Mountains. This home has five bedrooms and five baths. There is also an adjoining 1,564 sq. ft. new house for household help and visiting friends or family. The foreman’s house contains 1,968 sq. ft. with four bedrooms and three baths. It also has a 1,260 sq. ft. garage with four overhead doors. Surrounding the foreman’s house is a nice 2,640 sq. ft. barn. It has an efficiency apartment and bath. There is an 1,800 sq. ft. hay barn, an 800 sq. ft. equipment cover, and a 24,000 pound capacity overhead feed and storage bin. In addition, there is a nice set of steel pipe corrals with a working squeeze chute and a 20,000 pound capacity set of livestock scales. The Pena house on the east end of the ranch is also in good shape. It is historic, as it once was a homestead and has since been updated. It contains 1,525 sq. ft. with a barn on site. Supposedly, it was this house that Billy the Kid escaped to from Lincoln. This camp house has abundant water and lots of fishing ponds. This area is particularly attractive for hunting elk. The Padilla camp house on the west end of ranch contains 859 sq. ft. and is in fair shape. There is a barn on this site, also. The log cabin, near the center of the ranch, is in very good condition. It has a wood cook stove and lamps for lighting. This is a very unique house, and was constructed from an original homestead floor plan. Water is distributed throughout the ranch from four major springs, with approximately 33 miles of pipeline, many storage tanks, and drinking troughs. There are natural ponds, man- made earth tanks, three windmills, and an electric pump on wells. The ranch is well- fenced. It has many cross fences, creating different pastures. This layout makes a perfect rotation system for containment of cattle and convenient handling. A conservative stocking rate is 340 to 350 mother cow units per year average. This rate is suggested by reliable sources. Management and conservation programs could enhance stocking rates. This ranch is currently stocked.
The location, terrain, tree, and brush cover make this one of the premier elk, mule deer, bear, mountain lion, turkey, and game bird hunting ranches in New Mexico. There are three hunting cabins spaced across the ranch. This ranch would be considered equally quality class for record book game animals. The fishing for trout in the higher spring - fed ponds and the bass in the lower ponds and tanks add to any recreational value of this ranch.
The minerals under the deed property which are negotiable by owners have never been proven.
After a trip across this beautiful terrain, even the most critical eye will agree this is a one-of-a-kind ranch. A unique and special atmosphere presents itself in a variety of ways from the cozy headquarters to the modern improvements, you will be convinced that a well thought out plan has been shaped and established. The sight of this outstanding ranch operation and the hunting potential will show you this ranch was planned for profitability. Just imagine the privacy and the mountain views to be in your world for a while. This will leave the G-F ranch with nothing more to desire.
The information contained herein is compiled from sources believed to be accurate, but no warranties or representation as to its accuracy are made.
Topography Map:
The topography map for this property is available upon request. If you would like a copy of the topography map, please call 325.655.6989.