H2 Ranch
5615 +/- Acres | Scurry County | Call for Price Sold

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5615 +/-
SoldCall for Price
Location Description:
The H2 Ranch is located in Northwest Scurry County, Texas approximately 15 miles from Snyder and Winston Field, a jet capable airport of 5599ft. and GPS capable. Access to the ranch is on a paved county road 1105.
The diverse terrain of the ranch aids in creating an excellent habitat for the varied wildlife species and livestock that roam the H2. Rough Creek traverses the ranch for almost 7 miles with its productive bottomland. Areas of rough draws and cedar covered rims separate the lower gently rolling plains to large gently sloping uplands. One good size area of the hillside and draws has a considerable amount of Live Oak trees, unique for this area. A fair amount of tree clearing has recently been completed opening areas for grass production and quail habitat. Various brush, mesquite and cedar provide cover and protection for cattle and wildlife. There is a good cover of native grass and forbs on the ranch.
Water is currently provided by thirteen dirt tanks (Ponds) from small to reasonably large in size for temporary and long-term water sources. Rough Creek can seasonally run for periods of time keeping many long-term holes of water filled. Some of these water holes have produced some nice sized catfish in the past.
The H2 Ranch has no building improvements except for two nice sets of pens and corrals. Many nice areas, with scenic views provide good locations for a new owner to construct living and working facilities of their own design.
This area has been long known for its quail production. With normal rainfall (21 inches for the area) quail has been excellent in the past. Few areas in Texas can boast of having both mule deer and whitetail deer, this ranch can. Adding Rio Grande Turkey, dove, varmints and wild hogs give a year long wildlife mecca.
There is 2.5% of the minerals available and will convey with sale.
The H2 Ranch with all its natural amenities is priced at a level where a buyer can put their own design of improvements and still have a very affordable ranch.
The information contained herein is compiled from resources believed to be accurate. No warranties on the state of ownership of real or any personal property nor any representation as to its accuracy are made by Lee, Lee and Puckitt Associates, Inc. and/or its agents/brokers.
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