H.O.H Ranch
7,360+/- Acres | Brewster County | Call for Price Sold

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Location Description:
Lee, Lee & Puckitt Associates, Inc. is proud to announce this exclusive offer for the H.O.H. Ranch located in Brewster County, TX. This ranch is being offered for the first time in over 35+ years! This ranch is located 25 air miles southeast of Marathon, TX. or 12 miles south of U.S. Hwy.90.
The terrain varies on this ranch from gently rolling to extremely rough. The vegetation is typical of this part of West Texas except for the scattered pine and occasional oak trees that only adds to the beauty! The part on the ranch known as Pine Mountain will remind you of Elk Country with all the beautiful landscape pines
It’s as good as it gets for a remote desert ranch. There are more than 20 water troughs that are strategically located in well thought out locations. There’s one water well that is located near the headquarters with a storage tank and pila (rock storage tank). This water well provides water to several other storage tanks through a network of pipelines to the troughs. There are also several header dams that can be used as another water source at certain times of the year. Well Information: 775 ft. deep with a 5hp submersible pump set at 756 ft. 6 in. steel casing reduced to 4 in. This well is cut back to produce 4-5 gallons per minute. This should be more than adequate to water this ranch.
This ranch has a nice camp house which is made of rock; the house includes 2 small bedrooms and 1 large bedroom. The house has 8 bunk beds that could accommodate up to 16 people. A small efficient kitchen, living area with fireplace, pool table and satellite television makes for a very comfortable camp life. Next to the house there is a walk-in cooler, back-up generator, deer hanging facility; and several storage buildings, and sheds that assist with daily activities of this ranch.
This ranch boasts an outstanding population of Mule Deer; with its network of roads and deer blinds already in place, this ranch can be hunted very effectively either by safari style or stand hunting. The Trans-Pecos region of Texas is becoming a more popular destination for the hunter looking to switch gears from the Whitetail to the Mule Deer.
There are 4 sections that are State Mineral Classified. The sellers are conveying ½ of the mineral interest owned if any on the remainder. The exact amount will be determined by a title search.
The owner has agreed to convey the 7 wind vane and 13 electric deer feeders; the 6 -900 lb. protein feeders and 7 tower blinds. You will have to look long and hard to find another ranch of this size that is set up as good as this turnkey hunting ranch!
The information contained herein is compiled from sources believed to be accurate, but no warranties or representation as to its accuracy are made.
Topography Map:
The topography map for this property is available upon request. If you would like a copy of the topography map, please call 325.655.6989.