Jabed Ranch
720+/- Acres | Lynn | Terry County | Call for Price Sold

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Lynn | Terry
SoldCall for Price
Location Description:
Approximately 20 miles North west of Lamesa and South of New Moore, Texas on the southern borders of Lynn and Terry Counties. Roughly half is in Lynn County and the rest in Terry County.
Rolling grass land with scattered mesquite and native vegetation. There are two branches of a wet weather creek that have big salt cedar and some cotton woods that give cover to lots of wildlife
There are three water wells on the property and feed earth tanks. All wells are equipped with solar wells. Also on the place there is a large playa lake (the lake is dry at the moment due to the drought in the area, but with little bit of rain the playa historically holds water.
The property has good fencing and a sea container with pens.
Because of the playa, the creek and the fact that most of the surrounding properties are farm land gives this property an abundance of wildlife. The playa offer good duck, goose, and crane hunting. There is good mule deer hunting. The mule deer season is an 8 day season in Terry County that runs from November 20 - 28th. Also there is quail hunting on the property.
Surface Only
- 111.5 acres enrolled until 2015 and pays $36.72 an acre or a total of $4094.00 - 60.5 acres enrolled until end of 2013 and pays $30 an acre or a total of$ $1815.00 - Total acreage enrolled 172 acres with a total payment of $5909.00 This a very nice property at a very nice price. Call for more details.
The information contained herein is compiled from sources believed to be accurate, but no warranties or representation as to its accuracy are made.
Topography Map:
The topography map for this property is available upon request. If you would like a copy of the topography map, please call 325.655.6989.