JH Ranch
8,320+/- Acres | Scurry County | Call for Price Sold

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Location Description:
The JH Ranch is located northeast of Snyder Texas approximately 15 miles on a paved road. Fenced County Rd. 1105 runs through the south part of the ranch. Nearby Snyder supports an airport, Winston Field KSNK: It’s very adequate paved runways are 5600ft by 100ft and 4200ft by 75ft. GPS approach with fuel and other amenities.
Elevation of the ranch range from around 2050ft. in the creek bottom land to around 2335 feet on the higher hills. Rough Creek, Cottonwood Creek and Turkey Creek traverse through the ranch for several miles. Range sites vary throughout the ranch. Deep heartland, loamy bottomland, mixed land, sandy loam and shallow Redland are the predominant range sites. Native grasses found in these range sites are buffalo, side oat gramma, vine mesquite, blue & black gramma, little bluestem, three awn, Texas winter grass, hairy grama, cane and silver bluestem, Arizona cotton top, plains bristle and hooded windmill. The current owner has completed vast amounts of brush conservation work (all conductive to quail and cattle production) on the ranch. Primary tree cover is mesquite and cedar with some cottonwoods along creeks and areas of Beautiful Live Oak.
It is reported that there are approximately 20 plus ponds, (some need cleaning) to small lakes on the ranch. Some of the lakes are quite impressive when full. Rough Creek and Cottonwood Creek have several areas that run seasonally and holds water in normal times. There are two water wells on the ranch, one with a pump that services the headquarters and one with a windmill on the south portion of the ranch. The water from these wells is high in minerals and is used mainly for bathing, cleaning and livestock. Drinking water is brought in and stored in a large cistern.
Headquarters for the ranch consist of an older but nice Austin stone ranch style home. The home is very spacious, 6,000 feet with 5 bedrooms, 4 baths, kitchen, dining and living area. There is also an attached 2 car garage. A large cinder block and steel barn is near the home. The barn has enclosed storage, open storage and shelter space for livestock. This is a very ample barn for a ranch of this size. There are attached livestock corrals at the barn. Two sets of corrals, one with scales is located on the north portion of the ranch, and there is one set of corrals on the south portion of the ranch.
Both whitetail and mule deer as well as turkey, quail, dove and wild hog find habitat on the ranch. The ranch has a large amount of improved quail habitat. One may also drop a hook in a pond and rough creek has fish for dinner.
Ad Valorum Tax: The annual tax is estimated at $12,283
Price: $795 per acre or $6,614,400.00
The information contained herein is compiled from resources believed to be accurate. No warranties on the state of ownership of real or any personal property nor any representation as to its accuracy are made by Lee, Lee and Puckitt Associates, Inc. and/or its agents/brokers.
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