Lone Star Ranch
6,492+/- Acres | Clay County | Call for Price Sold

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Location Description:
8 miles east of Henrietta, Texas on U.S. Hwy 82. Ranch is located approximately 90 miles north of Dallas and Ft. Worth and 30 miles east of Wichita Falls, TX.
Beautiful rolling hills with lush valleys, tree covered creek and river bottoms. Vegetation on the ranch consists of many large hardwood and other miscellaneous trees with an unbelievable amount of native and improved grasses. Many fields of irrigated and sub-irrigated coastal Bermuda grass.
This ranch is very well watered by Little Wichita River, numerous earth tanks, and lakes. Water wells are from major underground reservoirs.
Main house is a very nice, 4 bedroom rock home. A nice 4 bedroom ranch manager home, a nice 3 bedroom farm manager house, and trailer house for laborers. There is a livestock show barn, and a really nice auction barn which seats about 400. Also includes kitchen, large dining area, offices and restrooms. There are many other barns, overhead feed storage bins, and shop areas. The ranch is well fenced and cross fenced to be worked easy with minimal labor. There are 2 irrigation circles in coastal Bermuda.
This area makes for outstanding quail, dove, and duck hunting; generally deer in this area make the record books each year.
Owner will convey 1/2 of what he owns.
Priced well in line with other ranches in the area, but well improved. Price is $1750 per acre or $11,107,000 total. Cattle equipment is also available in part or total.
The information contained herein is compiled from sources believed to be accurate, but no warranties or representation as to its accuracy are made.
Topography Map:
The topography map for this property is available upon request. If you would like a copy of the topography map, please call 325.655.6989.