North Steen Ranch
6,670.87+/- Acres | Tom Green County | Call for Price Sold

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Tom Green
SoldCall for Price
Location Description:
Approximately 9 miles south of Christoval being approximately 3 miles west of U.S Hwy. 277 with access on the north boundary of the ranch on Duff Rd. and access on the S.E. corner of the ranch from Co. Rd. 431.
Rolling liveoak covered hills sloping into large, grass-covered draws with scattered liveoaks. Very scenic and productive country.
There are 2 submersible pumps and 2 windmills. There is also a large earthen reservoir. All pastures receive water from these pumps or windmills.
Older native limestone house with 3 BR,2 Bth,L.Room, Kitchen,which is in good condition. Large livestock/storage barn, corrals, set of catch pens. An extensive amount of brush clearing. Ranch is divided into 6 large pastures and 5 traps.
Good deer hunting, turkey, quail and dove.
50% of the minerals will be conveyed.
Very rarely do we have as nice of a ranch in this location become available. Very scenic, very productive, good hunting, great access, 50% of the minerals, this ranch is SPECIAL!
The information contained herein is compiled from sources believed to be accurate, but no warranties or representation as to its accuracy are made.
Topography Map:
The topography map for this property is available upon request. If you would like a copy of the topography map, please call 325.655.6989.