River Lake Ranch
4,497+/- Acres | Runnels Co. County | Call for Price Sold

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Runnels Co.
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Location Description:
The River Lake Ranch is located in south central Runnels County Texas. Travel distance to Ballinger Texas is 6.6 miles, San Angelo, TX. 35 miles and Abilene TX. 62 miles.
This Colorado River Valley Ranch is predominately mesquite cover with a variety of browse plants being hackberry, algerita, lotebush, scattered sumac and catclaw and various others. There is an excellent cover of native grasses in all areas of the ranch. The terrain varies from level to gently sloping with some moderate slopes providing excellent views. The ranch has been in a long term conservation plan to complement the grazing as well as the recreational hunting, especially quail. There have been many wide senderos created by mesquite removal. Much prickly pear has been chemically treated and the long term has more treatment needed. There is around 100 + acres of cropland most of which is under an irrigation pivot.
Three wells provide water for the ranch improvements and livestock water. One of the three wells is irrigation quantity at a reported 300 GPM and can operate the irrigation pivot and also services livestock watering from approximately 8000 feet of 3 inch pipe which terminates on a high elevation from which more gravity fed pipe could eventually distribute water in all corners of the ranch. There is near 50 earth ponds from small to large holding rain runoff water. The water highlight of the ranch is the Colorado River with two size-able river lakes impounded by concrete dams plus several more size-able water holes. There is estimated to be over 7.5 miles of river front with some land being on both sides of the river. The current owners are in a 10 year Riparian conservation program. In this program the river has been fenced to provide protection for riparian acres all along the river, under a 10 yr. USDA conservation program. Portions of the Ballinger City Lake are accessible from the ranch and adjacent to the ranch.
There are two sets of living quarter improvements on the ranch. The main lodge is located in the east central part of the ranch. The lodge is a metal clad modern structure very suitable for living and entertaining.
Also located in the lodge compound are 2 barns and sheds as well as a set of livestock corrals.
The hunting camp consists of a nice modern Palm Harbor double wide manufactured home and a single wide manufactured cabin, plus equipment storage and a game cleaning area. There are 3 sets of livestock corrals and holding pens, at various points on the ranch. Cross fencing divides the ranch in 6 main pastures, 2 traps and a field. The fencing is 95% good to excellent
The current owners have fashioned their entire operation toward enhancement of the bobwhite quail population, which has created an environment that even in bad times has sustained a viable quail population. Quail ranches such as this are in short supply throughout the entire USA. The excellent white tailed deer, turkey and dove hunting is nothing to be ignored.
Fishing: At least one pond is stocked with fish. The Colorado River has long been known for catching large Flathead, Yellowcat and Channelcat as well as good bass fishing. The ranch is almost like having a lakefront lot on the Ballinger city lake which is good for boating, fishing and provides good duck hunting on the ranch.
Sellers will convey 25% of their mineral interest. This includes 25% of existing production that is currently flowing, around 25 + barrels per day in total plus some natural gas. There is an existing lease on the minerals and addition wells are planned. The existing well will soon be operated with a pump and production is expected to increase.
Seldom do we see a ranch as diversified as this come on the market. This location, livestock potential, irrigation, fabulous quail hunting, deer, turkey, dove hunting, water wells, ponds, miles of river, fishing, nearby lake access, 6 miles to a public airstrip, nice improvements plus a built in mineral income with potential increase and priced right for such a great ranch.
The information contained herein is compiled from resources believed to be accurate. No warranties on the state of ownership of real or any personal property nor any representation as to its accuracy are made by Lee, Lee and Puckitt Associates, Inc. and/or its agents/brokers.
Topography Map:
The topography map for this property is available upon request. If you would like a copy of the topography map, please call 325.655.6989.